Want to have a read more feature just like my blog?
Want to have a professional look for your blog posts?
Believe me you can add this feature in your own blog in a minute.
Dont worry its really very very easy,just follow the steps given below
Step 1. Goto your blog Layout and then goto Edit HTML.Download your current template.
Step 2: Now press ctrl+f and find </head> tag,then copy and paste the code given below just before the </head> tag and save the template.
<SCRIPT type='text/javascript'> var thumbnail_mode = "no-float" ; summary_noimg = 500; summary_img = 580; img_thumb_height = 320; img_thumb_width = 247; </SCRIPT> <SCRIPT src='http://www.yourjavascript.com/45031411101/readmore.js' type='text/javascript'/><style type='text/css'>a.linkopacity { display:block; width:139px; height: 27px; background-image: url(http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/4875/readmore29885263.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 0 0; }a.linkopacity:hover { background-image: url(http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/8212/readmore19911462.png); }</style>
Step 3: Now click Expand Widget Templates press ctrl+f and find <p><data:post.body/></p> tag and replace it with the code given below and save the template.
<p> <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'><p><data:post.body/></p><b:else/><DIV expr:id='"summary" + data:post.id'><p><data:post.body/></p></DIV> <SCRIPT type='text/javascript'>createSummaryAndThumb("summary<data:post.id/>");</SCRIPT> <div style='clear: both;'/> <div style='border:0px;padding-top:5px;;float:right;text-align:right;'><span class='readon'><a class='linkopacity' expr:href='data:post.url' rel='bookmark'/></span></div></b:if></p>
you are done,check your blog.
Customize the code to suit your template :
Look at the code given at step 2.you can always customize the code to suit your template.
If your post contains no image then 500 characters will be shown.you can change 500 to any thing to suit your template.
If your post contains image then 580 characters will be shown.You can change 580 to any thing to suit your template.
This will decide the height of the thumbnail to be shown in the post. You can change 320 to any thing to suit your template.
This will decide the width of the thumbnail to be shown in the post. You can change 247 to any thing to suit your template.
This is all.Hope Everything is cleared.If you have any problem to understand above steps,please feel free to ask any question in comment section.
Download Full Tutorial as a PDFDownload from rapidshare
Dude!! Ur blog is too cool..specially d widgets..:) Can u pls tell me where did u get that all-in-one-share button at the bottom of the post for facebook, twitter, stumble and others..PLs tell me..
we will write a tutorial about this very soon.Cant tell here all the processes,cause its a little bit complex thing...
please follow us
Dude really nice post .....
I added it to my blog
Nice post
thanks for submit.
I have sub a scribe to ur blog, Now u please sub a scribe to my blog.
Nice post...
one Correction : Expand Widget Templates in Step 1.
@ Nemo
Can u pls tell me Why this works only with ONE post??, my blog's homepage shows. only 1 post when I change NUMBER OF POSTS ON MAIN PAGE, It wont work Shows me FULLPOST... Hope you understand wt I mean..
My Blog link : http://funwithphoto.blogspot.com/
Very nice dude ...
Its worked perfectly
I think your problem is gone now
I checked your blog
No need to expand window at step 1,because we only need /head tag,which can be found without expanding,
At step 3 I told everyone to expand the window,though you can expand the window at step 1..
anyways thanx
I added it to my blog. Thank you very much.
Thnxxxx yar.. . .. . keep sharing ur knowledge
i have a problem with my site - www.kkkstudios.blogspot.com - ... i have pages with games - jokes - and more... and the problem is that its not opening all the article when i click on the button "read more" (this is not happening in the main page!) can i delete something in the HTML (but not delete the "read button) and opening in the other pages just like main page?
sorry for my english! :(
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